Please note this article applies to users with the AbodeBooking website booking page.

Abode's website booking page allows guests to add promotional codes set by you for discounts, deals and loyalty schemes. See How do I add discount options to Abode? for applying discounts within the system.

  1. Select Settings > System > Field Selection > Check the Discount box in the Screen and Website columns. This will enable the field in your calendar booking screen and your website booking page. You may also want to rename the Label.

  2. Select Settings > Accommodation > Discount Options.

  3. Enter the Item name > the Description > select the discount Type (Rate amount or Rate percentage) > enter the Value select Add Discount. Note: The item name will be the code generated for the website field.

    *See footnote for creating discount codes for specific price types or amounts.

  4. You will now see the field available on your website booking page.

Footenote: To create a discount for a particular price type (and/or date range) -

  1. Create the discount as described above and use the Price list discount type with a value of '0'.

  2. Select Rate Setup. Add a new rate with your discount selected, and enter the unit cost. Select the 'plus' button to add the discounted price.