You can set up discounts in Abode that can be manually applied to your bookings. To set up promo codes for your AbodeBooking website see How do I enable promotional codes for my website booking page?
- Select Settings > System Settings > Field Selection > Check the Plans box in the Screen column. This will enable the field in your calendar booking screen.
2. Select Settings > Accommodation > Plans.
3. Enter the plan name > the Description > select the discount Type (Fixed amount, percentage or price list) > enter the Value> select Add Discount. Note: please see footnotes for instructions on creating a discount for a particular price type.
4. To apply the discount select it from the Plan field on the individual or group booking screen.
Footenote: To create a discount for a particular price type (and/or date range) -
- Create the discount plan as described above and use the Price list discount type with a value of '0'.
- Select Settings > Rates. Add a new rate with your discount plan selected, and enter the unit cost. Select the 'plus' button to add the discounted price.