In AbodeBooking, you can set up different kind of emails such as confirmation, reminder, cancellation or check-out emails, to give your customers the right information at the right time. The system even allows sending emails automatically on specific days before or after the guest's arrival.
To set up your email templates, please follow the steps below:
- In AbodeBooking, go to Settings > Messaging > Templates
- The "Confirmation" template is selected by default. Click on the dropdown on the right to choose another template.
- Each template consists of two sections: Options and Body. In the option section, you define the subject and an Auto-send. The third field shows the available tags you can use in either the subject field or in the text of the body section.
In this example, the subject of the email dynamically shows the forename and surname of the customer.
- In the body section, you can write the email you would like to send to customers, making use of the tags.
- To see how an email looks like when sending out, select any booking from your calendar. In the detailed booking page, click the email button either on the top right or bottom right.
- This opens the email page. Select the template you would like to check, and it will show below.
Advanced Options
These options are available to Unlimited subscribers only.
You can also create individual email templates for each accommodation. If you, for example, would like to add specific check-in instructions for each room, use the "Text" and "Paragraphs" tabs in Settings > Messaging.
How to add individual check-in instructions:
- Create a new paragraph in Settings > Messaging > Text, call it eg. "Check-In Instructions RoomXY".
- In Settings > Messaging > Paragraphs, select the template you would like to add the check-in instructions text to (often for confirmation or reminder).
- Select the "Price" (ie. your room type) the check-in instructions apply to.
- Select the text you created that describes the check-in instructions ("Check-In Instructions RoomXY").
- Confirm and add this paragraph with clicking the "Add" icon on the right.
The check-in instructions, depending on the room the customer has booked, will now simply be added to the confirmation email.
To check if everything looks the way you want, select a booking from your calendar of the room you would like to see the check-in instructions. In the detailed booking page, click the email button either on the top right or bottom right.