If connected to online channels, it is very important to add manual bookings into your Abode calendar as soon as possible. This is because all inventory/availability comes from Abode and it is required that you keep this updated to prevent any double-bookings. As soon as you enter a booking into Abode, it will have sent an availability update to your online channels.

To enter bookings into Abode is a very easy one-click process. There are four ways to do this:

  1. To enter an individual booking simply select the first night stay in the calendar for the relevant room. The minimum required is to enter a guest's name. If the booking is for more than one night, change the number of nights.

  2. To enter a multi-night individual booking simply click and drag across to select multiple nights. The minimum required is to enter a guest's name.

  3. To enter a group booking for specific rooms simply create a primary guest booking, and select Open Group on the booking screen. Select New in the group booking table to add extra rooms.

  4. To enter a group booking for consecutive rooms simply click and drag down (and across if multiple nights). The system will request a primary guest name.