Note: This applies to customers using the Abode booking engine only. If using Abode's booking engine through other suppliers please contact them directly.

To make use of the full potential of our booking engine, we recommend implementing the iframe resize script into your website's code.

The iFrame resize script allows your booking page to automatically resize depending on how much space the booking engine in its Iframe needs.  

You can access your booking engine's settings in AbodeBooking under Settings > Website.

The necessary iFrame code is shown in the grey box below the example calendar.

You place the booking engine into the website's HTML structure via the <iframe> tag.

The two <script> tags, however, are necessary for the booking page (which contains the booking engine) to be correctly resized, depending on how much space the booking engine in its Iframe needs.

Place these two <script> tags at the very end of your code, just before the closing <body> tag. See an example below:

If you run into any issues or have any questions on how to implement this, don't hesitate to contact us.