"Contact Mapping" 

Under "Contact Mapping" you can synchronize your contacts/agents from Abode (you find them under Register -> Suppliers) to your contacts in Xero.

Choose a contact/agent in the first drop-down that you would like to map against a contact from your Xero account, which you can choose in the second drop-down. 

Invoices, payments etc. will now map between these two contacts.

"Revenue Mapping"

Under "Revenue Mapping" you can synchronize your point of sales (eg. Room, Sale, Ticket) from Abode to a Xero Account Code (Chart of Accounts, which categorizes every transaction). 

In the example above, Abode maps a double room for an adult of the category Room to the Xero Account Code 202.

Note: Since Abode does not send the tax rates to Xero in regards to each Xero Account Code, you have to set up your correct sales tax to each account code directly within Xero. To select the default tax setting in Xero, navigate to Chart of Accounts and edit the details of each account individually.

"Payment Mapping" 

Similar to the other two methods of mapping, to map the different types of payment of Abode and Xero, select the types in each drop-down you would like to map together.

Here, we connect Abode's Credit payment method to Xero's Credit Card payment method.