To process a refund for a shortened stay, please view the following article - How do I give a guest a refund for a shortened stay?

For how to process a refund with a payment that has been made with Stripe, click here.

  1. On the paid booking, select the View invoice button.

  2. Enter the details of the refund and the negative amount. Select the Add Charge button to add to the invoice.

  3. The booking screen will now display the new balance and the Refund Owning button. Select to process the invoice.

  4. Select the Payment method and select Confirm.

How to process a refund with a payment that has been made with Stripe

  1. On the booking page, click the View receipts button.
  2. To refund a Stripe payment, click on the X on the right in the row of a Stripe payment.
  3. Enter the amount you want to refund, confirm with OK.